Our expertise in Employment and Social Security Law

Quality and Availability

Deltalis Avocats

Deltalis Avocats provides its clients with solutions in the following areas of law that are both legally sound and also pragmatic and effective:
• Employment law
• Social security law
Both are complex areas of law that are constantly changing and that are the subject of frequent decisions by the Cour de cassation (the French supreme court) that potentially have material consequences of the management of employment relationships.
That is why we believe that the assistance of a lawyer who specialises in, and has in-depth experience of, this area of law is a real advantage.

‘‘We strive for quality, rigour and availability but also creativity in
our advice.’’

We are especially committed to listening to your needs and putting you in a position to take the best possible, informed decisions.
We personally carry out all the work entrusted to us and defend your interests determinedly and effectively.
Each member of the Firm strives to fully meet your expectations and to make employment law as intelligible and accessible as possible, thereby enabling you to make the right decisions.
Accordingly, we hope to build a relationship with you based on trust and become a true Partner.

Employment Law

Advising businesses on their individual and collective workplace relationships

Social Security Law

Advising businesses on contributions, disputes with social security offices, retirement, provident funds, etc.

Franco-German Employment Law

Our firm has in-depth expertise in Franco-German employment law